Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day in LA

Well outside of the academic world, LA has been a ton of fun. September has come around and as people are dealing with the beginning of school, I am having way too much fun.

On Thursday a group of us went to Beverly know 90210. Well Thursday was 9/02/10. They were having a big party since the date and area code were the same. Sadly you had to pay $160 to get in so we just walked around Beverly Hills instead of going to the party. We did pass it. We walked around Rodeo Drive then went to Fuddruckers. Half of the group had gone to McDonalds so on the way back we stopped outside the 90210 party to wait for them. Well it happened to be the exact same time Natasha Beddingfield was starting her concert. We got to hear her entire concert perfectly clear while waiting for the rest of our group. I also saw a celebrity. I'm not sure who it was, but I am positive I saw him on TV. I just can't remember what show. Oh well. Also, while in Beverly Hills I got...a parking ticket! Crap. Apparently where I was parked, you had to have a permit after 10pm. I got back to my car at 10:21. Parking is so crazy out here though. I knew I had to get one at one point. There have been several students who have gotten parking tickets. Its part of the experience.

Friday was a relaxing day sleeping in, watching movies, chilling by the pool, and going to the director of the program Rebecca Ver Straten McSparren's house for dinner.

Saturday a group of us drove over to Malibu. We got stuck in traffic so it was a looong drive. We went to El Matador State Beach. It was really cool. The water was cold, but I still went in it. It was a bit windy that day so it was a little cold so we only stayed at the beach for about an hour and a half. We then went to Starbucks. Afterwards, most of the group went home, but my roommates and Zak and I toured Malibu. Zak went to Pepperdine for a year so he knew the area. He took us to Point Dume. In my head I call it Mount Dume. It was a gorgeous area overlooking the ocean. I got some great pictures there. We then went to Pepperdine to Hero's Garden. It is a small area overlooking the ocean. It was built to honor those who died on 9/11. We then went to Howdy's for dinner and had delicious Mexican food. It was a great day.

Sunday I checked out a new church called Reality LA. I loved it. I have a couple more churches I want to check out, but I have a feeling I will end up at Reality. After church my roommate Alisha and I met up with a couple other people at the LA County Fair. It was fun to walk around. Josh, Erika, Lucy and I went in these giant inflatable bubbles that were like giant hamster wheels on water. We tried to move around. It was fun, but hard. After, we went to BJ's for dinner and had pizookie for dessert. Pizookie is a warm cookie with ice cream on top. It was absolutely amazing! We ended the night by having a couple people over and watching Blood Diamond in our apartment.

Monday afternoon some of us went to the LACMA, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. It was pretty cool and I got to see several of Picasso's paintings. That evening 12 of us met and hiked up to the Hollywood sign. It was about an hour hike up hill, but we realized if we wanted to see sunset we had to start jogging. A handful of us jogged on and off the 2nd half of the way up. We were a good distance from the sign when we got there, but still had a great view. Next time we are going to go above it. We then got to hike for an hour back down in the dark. Then I had more parking issues. They close the gates to the park at sunset. Well we thought it was just closing them so people couldn't come in. Nope, it was bolted shut. The rest of our group had to either climb up a dirt hill to go around the fence or hop the fence to get out. I got to call the park rangers and ask for them to come let me through. They said they would send someone and when I asked how long, they told me they didn't tell people. So while we waited, Josh, Carlos, Emily, Christa and I did what any normal people would do. Play some music and have a dance party...well a partial dance party. It didn't last long. The park ranger finally got there and let us through. Its now about 9:30 and none of us have had dinner. So we head to the best fast food place in town...In N Out! After our burgers, we went to Yougurtland for some FroYo. We ended the night with the movie Tropic Thunder. We didn't actually start the movie till midnight due to the fact that we got back to the apartment complex at 11 and then I had to drive around for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot. Then after changing and walking over it was 11:45. Thankfully on Tuesdays we don't have class until 2.

Today after class, a couple of us went bowling. It was a fun relaxed evening. Who knows what tomorrow brings. Half the students are starting their internship while the other half are still waiting to here. We get the day off so I am sure we will get bored and go find something to do because that's
Life from LA

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