Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Inciting Incident

It has been a while since I have posted...I am sorry. There is much to say though. There will be two blogs posted tonight though so prepare!

Well classes have been going well. In Motion Picture Production (MPP) we were talking about the inciting incident and were challenged to look at the inciting incident in our life. It was interesting! I had never really considered my life as a story with an inciting incident. I think my inciting incident is happening right now though. Coming to LAFSC has definitely been something that will effect the rest of my life.

Today we learned our roles for the group projects for Hollywood Production Workshop (HPW). We all had to write a script and the profs picked four. (Oh yeah all the classes are co-taught so there are 3 teachers for each class...2 of them are the same for all 3). They then split us up into four groups and we requested our roles and they assigned each one. The directors had to submit a reel of their work at the beginning to try to get the position. I asked for Production Designer and got...Production Designer! I am excited. The four scripts are very interesting. They range from horror to homosexuality to a dark comedy to a comedy/chick flick.

I am still waiting to here about my internship. I had an interview at Odd Lot Entertainment, but still have not heard back. I will update the blog as soon as I know.

The professors out here are great! John and Jeremy teach all three classes. Chris is with them for two and Rebecca Ver Straten McSparren is with them for one. John is hilarious and Jeremy and him together are over the top! I enjoy having them as professors. The other day we had a lab and broke up into groups then presented what we did to the class. Every single group missed the point of the lab and did it wrong. John, Jeremy and Chris were speechless. It was entertaining.

I was talking to a couple of my roommates today and we were talking about our role as Christians in this industry. So many people have said to us "Go change Hollywood" or "Go make Christian films" and some people may be called to that, but I feel my mission out here is to be a light to the people out here. I am not suppose to make films that are about Christianity, but as a Christian, that message may shine through. I also might be suppose to be there for someone. For them to see what is different about me and through that have the chance to make an impact in their life. One of the professors, John, was working on the show I Love New York. It is not a clean show at all and many criticized him for it, but one guy on the show asked John what was different about him and then asked John to pray with him. John made an impact in that guy's life. Also one of the executive producers of That 70's Show is A Christian. He was able to make decisions on whether certain things should be on the show or not. Yes, the show is still very much secular, but it also could have been very raunchy, but it was reigned in. It has definitely got me thinking about how I am suppose to minister out here. Even in the first 3 weeks, I have really been growing spiritually and my walk with the Lord is growing stronger. I know I am in the right place and this is where God wants me right now. I am loving it out here not just because of all there is to do, but also because I know this is where I need to be right now...this is my mission field.

Well that is the academic and spiritual side of
Life from LA

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