Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cold Water, One Dollar

Well the adventures begin even before reaching Hollywood. We had a 14 hour drive from Sterling, Colorado (Northeast corner) to Las Vegas. We stopped in Vail, Colorado for lunch. It was a beautiful town up in the mountains and I could have stayed there for hours. We did stop at Fizziwig’s, the cutest candy shop ever. I got to drive the rest of the way through Colorado and three quarters of the way through Utah. It rained on and off the entire time as I am driving down the mountains. 
By 6:30 Dad and I were hungry for dinner so we started looking for restaurants, but we were in the middle of nowhere. We finally made it to Beaver, Utah. Dad’s iPhone showed a Mexican restaurant so we followed the map to it. The map led us to a neighborhood in the middle of nowhere so we ended up at a little diner. The inside was pink and white. I had a good dinner, but Dad’s failed. When we got back on the highway we saw the Mexican restaurant at the next exit. 

Dad drove the rest of the time. We arrived in Las Vegas around ten. We got to Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. The service was great. They got us a bellhop and took care of our car. We didn’t have to carry our luggage up to the room. Once we got to the room we called and the bellhop brought it up. It was so much easier then hauling everything yourself. We found Dad some snacks to feed him since his dinner wasn’t good then headed out to the strip. We watched the Fountain at the Bellagio dance to “All That Jazz.” It was amazing. The water shoots way up into the air. It is beautiful to see. We walked over to Caesar’s Palace and walked around. It is huge. We then went back to our hotel to crash for the night.

The next afternoon was spent at the beautiful pool. We then walked around the Bellagio and Dad played a little 21 and won some money. We walked down the strip and saw Monte Carlo, New York New York, MGM Grand, and Planet Hollywood. As you walk down the street you hear people saying, "Cold water, one dollar." It is great cause you can easily get water to hydrate yourself. We then went to the Flamingo for dinner before heading to the Bellagio to see the Cirque Du Soleil show “O” which was fantastic. I was very impressed by the performance. It was definitely the best show I have ever seen. After a short rest back at the hotel Dad and I headed back to New York New York to go on the roller coaster there. It is crazy. It goes 67 mph and goes upside down and twists around and over the strip. It was a sweet ride. 

The city is amazing! It is also very clean (meaning tidy) except for the occasional cigarette butt and the ads for “escort services” littered on the ground. It is so sad to see at every street men (and some women) handing these out. Dad talked to a police officer and asked about it and we found out that prostitution is legal in Nevada if the population is under 250,000. Since Vegas is not, these people get around it by calling it an escort service. It is really sad to see. Vegas is a beautiful and fascinating city, but it is corrupt. It has been amazing to see and I am thrilled I got this opportunity.
Tomorrow we are going to relax by the pool, grab some lunch and head to Hollywood! Well that’s 
Life from (almost) LA.

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