Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Monday, August 23, 2010

No Longer An Outsider

I had two fabulous classes today! The first was preparing me for my internship (still don't know where yet). We talked about how due to this class and the internship I will have, I am now an insider!
I had the wonderful In N Out Burger for lunch. Then headed to my second class. Jim and Karen Covell talked about looking at Hollywood as a mission field. We are going to a area where many people have not heard the gospel and sharing it with them by the way we live and our actions. We also heard about Karen having to do an interview with Hugh Hefner and decided to approach it about his life and how he grew up. He had a really sad childhood and is looking for love. Yes, he does not go about it in a good way, but it does explain why he lives the way he lives. It was all very interesting to hear! I read a script for homework by the pool and took a dip in the hot tub. But that is
Life From LA

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