Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Friday, August 27, 2010

What Do the Silver Surfer, Fauno, and Abe Sapien All Have in Common?

My first celebrity that I have met!
Life has been crazy here in LA! I have been starting classes and working on homework every night while glancing at that pile of movies I checked out from the school DVD library, dying to watch them.
I have been loving the classes here! They are all so interesting and the professors are great! They all co-teach and its great to hear from several different people. I will be making 3-5 films this semester while having an internship (still not sure where yet). Busy yet amazing!
Tonight we got to meet Doug Jones. He played the Silver Surfer in Fantastic 4, Fauno in Pans Labyrinth, and Abe Sapien in Hellboy and Hellboy 2. He was also in Legion and many other films. Check him out on IMDB! He is a Christian actor and came and talked about how he got where he is today. He is hilarious and I had a lot of fun listening to him.

Let me tell you about life here. Well my apartment is 3 1/2 blocks from the school. I walk to the school in the morning then back to the apartment for lunch then back to the school for the afternoon class then back to my apartment for the evening. That is just the daily routine. I also walk to get FroYo (frozen yogurt) and sometimes drive up to Hollywood Blvd and Sunset Blvd then walk around there. You walk everywhere. The other day I went to Sunset Blvd and walked down to Aroma with my roommate Alisha. It was a fabulous restaurant and I highly recommend it. Then we went to Pinkberry a really cute frozen yogurt chain that lots of celebrities go to. It is really good! I did not see any celebrities while I was there though.

Tomorrow I have a small group meeting from 10-2 (free lunch!) then I can spend the evening writing my scrip. Saturday we are going on a tour of the Kodak Theater then heading to the Hollywood Bowl to see John Williams (Harry Potter, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Jurassic Park). It will be amazing and I am so excited!

On Tuesday I have an interview with one of the professors for internship possibilities. Then she will submit my resume and I will interview with that company. I will give updates on my internship. I know I will be working Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Well I am so tired and need to go to bed. I wanted to give you all an update. I am loving LA and am so glad I am here. I know this is where God wants me right now and am so thrilled! I am having a blast and loving
Life from LA

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