Adventures in LA

Adventures in LA

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tacos, Inception, Oscars, and Lightsabers

Well Friday night we had several people over for Taco night at our apartment. It was a ton of fun and it was good to get to know some more people. We ended up playing spoons with fourteen people followed by mafia. I had not played that game since high school church camp. We then decided to go see Inception at the ArcLight. The ArcLight is a really nice movie theater where you purchase your tickets and get assigned seats. You are not allowed to text or talk during the film and you will get in trouble for it. Kids can go at certain times. Its the snob movie theater. Inception was great the second time around. Still trying to figure out if its real or a dream.

Saturday we all headed to Hollywood Blvd. and went on a tour of the Kodak theater (where the Academy Awards are held). We got to enter on the grand stair case that the celebrities walk up. We went down to where the hosts and presenters hang out before they go on stage. We went into the theater then walked down the hall the celebrities walk down after they have won their Oscar. And we got to see a real Oscar. It was so fascinating.
I then decided to hang out in the area with a group of people instead of heading back to the apartments. We had about 8 hours to kill before the John Williams concert. We grabbed lunch then headed down Hollywood Blvd. looking at the stars. Once we had reached the end, we crossed the street and walked the other way. We realized we should probably head back since the Hollywood Bowl was back. We decided to walk to Sunset and head back that way. Well we saw Amoeba Music and had to go in. The bottom floor is filled with discounted and used CDs and Records. The top floor is packed with used DVDs. I bought 2 DVDs, The Royal Tennenbaums and The Star Wars Trilogy (IV, V, VI). We then spotted Urban Outfitters and had to go in. Needless to say, we killed time. We stopped at Starbucks and realized from there we had doubled our walking time. We took the first 20 minutes to get to the mall by the Kodak Theater and grab dinner before taking the next 20 minute walk up to the Hollywood Bowl.
The Hollywood Bowl was spectacular. John Williams did an awesome job! If you don't know him, he is a composer and did films such as Star Wars, the first 3 Harry Potter films, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Superman, Catch Me If You Can, Schindler's List and many more. He started the concert with other people's work and ended with Jaws, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. As soon as the Star Wars theme started playing several hundred toy lightsabers popped up in the audience. It was really cool to see. Then when they started playing the Imperial March, all the lightsabers were bouncing in time with the music. I was laughing because it was so funny to see. John Williams ended with an encore playing the theme from Superman. It was a wonderful concert. Definitely one of my top 3.
Sunday I got to go to church on Hollywood Blvd. The service was held in the old Hollywood Pacific Theater. I liked the church, but there are several others that I am going to check out as well.
Today my only class was a camera lab, teaching us how to operate their cameras. The cameras are nice and it will be great working with them. I finished my script and have a interview tomorrow to figure out where I will intern at. I will let you know where I send my resume and keep you updated on whether or not I get that internship.
Life has been going great and I am loving it out here. My roommate and I had a lightsaber battle on our phones this evening after a FroYo run. I also got to talk to my roommates back home Christa and Megan! I miss you guys and it is weird not moving in with you! I have been a bit spoiled here though but I guess thats just
Life from LA


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Weird--I was trying update my comment and it went to the trash--Oh well-Hey Girl. Thanks for the updates and will pass these amazing stories and experiences to your Communication peers.

  3. Thanks! Hope all is well back in MN and Amelia is well!
